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Youth Ministry

At Ebenezer Youth Ministry, we’re all about creating a space where young people can grow in their relationship with God, make lasting friendships, and discover their purpose. Our gatherings are packed with fun, worship, and relevant messages that speak to the real challenges youth face today. Whether it’s a regular youth service, a fun event, or a mission trip, there’s always something exciting happening. Come join us and be part of a movement of youth who are passionate about their faith!

Family Ministry

At Ebenezer Youth Ministry, we’re all about creating a space where young people can grow in their relationship with God, make lasting friendships, and discover their purpose. Our gatherings are packed with fun, worship, and relevant messages that speak to the real challenges youth face today. Whether it’s a regular youth service, a fun event, or a mission trip, there’s always something exciting happening. Come join us and be part of a movement of youth who are passionate about their faith!

Man Standing Beside His Wife Teaching Their Child How to Ride Bicycle
Girls Playing on a White Table

Kid Ministry

At Ebenezer Youth Ministry, we’re all about creating a space where young people can grow in their relationship with God, make lasting friendships, and discover their purpose. Our gatherings are packed with fun, worship, and relevant messages that speak to the real challenges youth face today.